Project “Heritage & Sport” main objective is to increase the level of physical activity of children in primary education with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities. Partners are aware that there is a need for innovative approaches to motivate and include children with disabilities in sport activities. One of the biggest obstacles to participation of all children in regular sport activities is accessibility. In the project “Heritage & Sport” partners developed many different outputs to address the problem of low levels of physical activity of children in primary education. All materials are gathered on the online platform so that all interested parties can learn and implement the in their organizations. To learn the materials we created buttons that enable participants to download all the developed materials to different devices and learn. The materials include: Research Analysis Report, Policy recommendations, Guide of Best Practices to motivate children to be more physically active, Handbook of Traditional European Games/Sports that are Adjusted, E-learning platform, Curriculum for volunteers and teachers, Handbook for sport activities, motivational strategies and nutrition for children.
In the first stages of the project we analysed the situation of children with intellectual disabilities in regards to barriers to participation in sport activities. We conducted a survey research analysis and created policy recommendations for stakeholders. This work package also includes a creation of a guide of best practices, where partners collected best practices from all partners countries. Below you can download both documents in English:
The main project output is the collection of traditional European games and sports from partner countries, the developed Handbook of traditional games and sport which will be adjusted to the needs of children with disabilities. Games adjustments follow a modular methodology approach, to accommodate the groups who have the most obstacles to overcome. The other important project outputs include the Curriculum for volunteers and teachers and Handbook for sport activities, motivational strategies and nutrition for children. Both materials will assist teachers, trainers and volunteers to better use the collected traditional games and sorts and implements methodologies to increase the level of physical activity of children in primary education.
To finish the created program Heritage & Sport read through the developed handbooks that are accessible on the platform.
All the developed materials can be downloaded on your personal electronic devices or read online below if participants prefer to read the documents online and don’t want to download them: